International cargo transportation services

UTLC ERA JSC provides a package of transportation and logistics services to transfer (Shipper Owned Container — SOC ) by regular container unit trains in the East-West International Transport Corridor.
SOC – the container is owned or provided by the consignor

Routes via Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus through the border crossings: 
Dostyk/Altynkol - Brest/Svislach/Bruzhi/Kaliningrad
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Cargo traffic to Russia and Belarus from China through the border crossings: Dostyk/Altynkol
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Cargo railway transportation from the EU, Russia and Belarus bound for Central Asia and China   via Dostyk/Altynkol border crossing points
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UTLC ERA transportation and logistics services include:
  • Rail tariff for Kazakhstan, Russian
    and Belarusian Railways
  • Handling operations
  • Fitting platform allocation
  • Information services
  • Fees for shift cargo escorting
  • Completion of the transit declaration
  • Customs duties
Container allocation and supply are not included in the rate as UTLC ERA does not provide containers.