JSC UTLC ERA expert says import and export play an increasingly important role in Chinese-Russian trade

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BEIJING, July 3. / Nikolay Selishchev, TASS reporter/. Chinese companies maintain high demand for freight transport in Eurasia, thus improving Russia and Belarus’ standing as trade partners. Vladimir Remizovich, Head of Sales and Business Projects at JSC UTLC ERA, told that to the TASS reporter on Monday.

“I have to say the Chinese demand remains very high. The role of export and import in the PRC’s trade with Russia and Belarus is increasing significantly. We are just following those trends,” he said. Mr. Remizovich also pointed out that Russia is a key link in the One Belt, One Road initiative and active in various international transport and logistics projects. According to him, those interactions fostered firm client and partner relationships, tight friendly contacts, aided by Russian and Chinese authorities.

The Head of Business Projects believes that Russian freight carriers fostering their partnership with the PRC are extremely interested in sustainable infrastructure development. “We, in turn, take it upon ourselves to maintain the highest level of service,” said Mr. Remizovich.

As he explained, starting from 2020, the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global logistics “plunged into permanent change.” “There were lots of price fluctuations on different, most long-standing routes. Naturally, that made an impact on rail logistics,” continued the expert. “Cargo flows began restructuring. In 2022, Eurasia saw certain new changes brought in by European senders’ interest to shipments through Russia falling: obviously, that was caused by Western sanctions.

Mr. Remizovich, however, forwent pessimistic forecasts, saying instead that even among the unstable international situation Chinese-Russian trade continues to grow apace. “In the situation we are in, one has to pay attention to numbers instead of opinions. And we have to wish for the global economy to stay flourishing, at least in Eurasia,” he summarized. “Logistics are always a derivative of global trade. We are needed if there is demand, if there is a drive, that is key for us.”
Russian-Chinese trade

According to official data provided by Chinese customs, in January-May, the trade between the two countries grew 40.7% year to year, reaching $93.8 billion. In five months, exports from China grew 75.6% to $42.95 billon. Imports of Russian goods and services grew 20.4% to $50.85 billion.